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We are excited to have you back in classes. Below are two links to help your transition in our new online format.

    Student Support Guide to Services


    Student Assistance Services




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The Student Rights and Responsibilities Office investigates and adjudicates cases of non-academic student misconduct, working with the university community to ensure consistency in regards to student discipline matters.

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Aggie Stampede

Armed with cow bells, clad in Crimson and led by Pistol Pete,
Aggie Stampede members commit themselves to Promote
“Aggie Spirit and Pride”, Members will learn skills that will allow them to Connect Engage and Lead.




Traditions are a part of any great university. They are established organically and evolve over time. Traditions are events which link the current students to those from years past. New Mexico State University is like other universities in this aspect.


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Student Life

Student life is an essential part of being in the Aggie Family. Our Student Life program includes Greek Life, 200+ Chartered Clubs and Organizations, Student Government, Campus Programming, Recreational Activities, Diversity Programming and lots more.

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supper ⅤPN

Our Aggie Family come from all over the world and the Department of Student Life is here to help make sure every Aggie feels welcome, supported and celebrated. Learn how we can connect you with the rich diversity that makes up the New Mexico State University community


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